Voltalis in the UK

Key facts

  • Since 2018
  • 5 DNOs
  • 500 houses
  • 85% satisfied customers

Ongoing roll-out funded by UK government

The UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has funded the development of 500 Voltalis sites nationwide. The roll-out continues to gain momentum with more than 85% of customers saying they are satisfied with their experience.

Reaching out to a wide range of customers

Our smart devices connect to a wide range of appliances - from night storage heaters to heat pumps and water boilers - and span differing geographies, from the Scottish Highlands to the island of Jersey.
We are also able to reach out to many customers who are experiencing fuel poverty, enabling them to benefit from energy savings and empowering them to manage their energy consumption through their own Home Energy Management Systems.

Providing local flexibility

Distribution System Operators in the UK are required to procure flexibility locally. Thanks to Voltalis’ aggregating of residential flexibilities, it is easy to activate Demand Response exactly where this flexibility is needed.

Energy is our Future, let's save it
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